Amino Acids for Muscle Building Are King Daddy

Muscle Building
Author: Fred Fishburne

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and muscle tissue. All types of physiological processes relating to sport energy, recovery, muscle strength gains and fat loss, as well as mood and brain function are intimately and critically linked to amino acids.

Amino acids fall in to two classifications, indispensable amino acids (IAA) or essential amino acids and dispensable amino acids (DAA) or not essential amino acids. IAA’s must be supplied by food. DAA’s can be synthesized by the body.

What makes free form amino acids King Daddy for building muscle? The answer is bioavailability - how much of what is ingested makes it to where it is to be used by the body and how long it takes to get there. Free form amino acids can enter in the general circulation within 15 minutes, making them readily available for metabolism at the site where they are needed. Ingesting amino acids before, during and after training can prevent mental fatigue, as well as provide a source of energy to help prevent muscle protein catabolism and speed recuperation.

Amino acids from food take two to four hours to reach the muscles. Even if you eat the right foods soon after training, the nutrients will arrive at the muscle too late to take full advantage of the window of opportunity of recovery.

The answer is supplementing with amino acids, which quickly enter the bloodstream from the small intestines. They do not have to be digested and converted by the liver. Certain amino acids, arginine, methionine and glycine are used to make Creatine phosphate, which converts to ATP and is used as an energy source during intense training.

Combining creatine powder with amino acid supplements is a great way to build muscle fast. Add 5 grams of glutamine powder before and after training and before bed and you will be the talk of the gym (That’s 15 grams total). Don’t forget to add some tyrosine (2 grams) before you workout and feel the strength. Tyrosine also helps mental recovery and helps mid afternoon slump. Throw in 5 or 6 grams of arginine daily and see the pump hang around much longer. Amino acid complexes are a great foundation to build on with these above mention single amino acids. Branch chain amino acids (BCAA's) are worth taking a look at as well. It’s all about the speed of absorption that makes these babies King Daddy.

Essential amino acids can be found in meats and poultry, fish, eggs and dairy, such as cheese and milk, as well as in many plant sources, such as grains and legumes. So be sure to keep these foods at the forefront of you diet.

Amino acids can also help prevent the body from using muscle as fuel during intense training. Certain amino acids have been shown to aid in the metabolism of fat and the release of growth hormone. Amino acids also strengthen the immune system which is key in body building athletes.

Fred Fishburne and his wife are owners of ProHealth Nutrition, Inc., a very successful health store in McDonough, Ga. Visit them at: