An Understanding Of The Micro Processes In Muscle Building

Muscle Building
Author: Joe Okoro

What are the micro processes that goes on to bring about the necessary changes in the body? Well these processes involve the hormones and biochemistry chemicals that forms the metabolic processes in the body. Hormones are the main element of the muscle sculpting activity. When the hormones stops functioning the way it should, you can not reach your goal of peak performance in muscle building. Therefore these hormones need balance just as every other things in life needs balance.

It may also interest you to know that these hormones regulate the flow of the chemicals in the body, which is the metabolic process which decides whether we stay alive or not. Therefore metabolism is the life sustaining force behind every living thing. We will be discussing some hormonal glands which all play vital role in the muscle building activity.

The Thyroid Glands: This gland is situated close to the back of the head, by the neck region. Production of hormones is pumped to this region to stimulate the body's movement. This gland also work with another gland called the endocrine glands to produce such nutrients as trilodothyonine hormones and thyrotropin.

Endocrine glands: This gland secretes hormones for the body use. The main function of these gland is that it aids in transporting cancer cells, virus, and bacteria out of the body. Thus it help in body's ability to resist diseases.

Adrenal glands: These are organs that secretes the hormones. It works with the adrenaline secretion. The ill effect that lack of this organ in the body is that it can cause high blood pressure to occur, which will increase the beating of the heart rate. Some micro actions of these combination can result in the emission of steroids.

Steroids and metabolism plays a role in muscle building, namely in the diet and exercise plan of the builder. There is a substance called Epinephrine, this can form adrenaline substance while relaxing the passage ways of air and simultaneously constricting the blood vessels. When this action is altered, it could cause severe loss of blood or asthma may develop in the person affected.

The body's metabolism is a process we need to have some basic understanding in order to appreciate how the body works and how movements is effected in some vital parts of the body. This will help us to have full knowledge and adapt our plans accordingly.

Joe Okoro writes about Muscle Sculpting, fitness and Body building in his free reports. You can sign up for his courses and get additional information by visiting: